Tag Archives: Kashi

Kashi – One of my Favorite Health Food Brands!

Ok – so as a disclaimer, this post is going to sound like an ad for Kashi. But I love it so much – I felt like it deserved its own post 🙂

I think the day I discovered Kashi cereals opened my eyes to convenient foods that were also healthy, tasty and nutritious. Since then, Kashi has expanded their product line into hot and cold cereals, granola bars, cookies, crackers,  frozen foods/frozen meals, and frozen pizzas. Their food is natural, high in fiber and other nutrients – and you generally can’t go wrong with picking a Kashi option. My personal favorites of theirs are:

Kashi Heart to Heart









3/4 cup only has 110 calories, 4g protein and 5g fiber! Even if you had double that amount, with one whole glass of nonfat milk and blueberries/strawberries – you wouldn’t go over ~300 calories. That’s a pretty hearty/tasty/substantial breakfast! And if the cereal isn’t sweet enough for you, you can always add some guilt free sweetness with a packet of splenda!

Kashi Frozen Pizzas

Being that I’m vegetarian and health conscious, finding a good frozen pizza that isn’t just “useless calories” is a challenge. Kashi has 4 veggie friendly awesome pizzas that are actually really tasty! My personal favorite is the Margherita:









1/3 of the pizza is only 260 calories, has 14g protein and 4g fiber! 

I’ve also heard great things about the Mexicali Black Bean Pizza:









1/3 of this pizza only has 210 calories, 13g protein and 4g fiber!

Basically – the moral of this story is – you can’t really go wrong with Kashi. If you have no time and are always rushing, their meal options are definitely good for staying mindful of healthy eating while not sacrificing the time it takes to prepare a meal. 

Yay for companies out there who promote healthy food like this! 🙂

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Filed under Picky Eats (Restaurants/Foods)